Let me teach you how to Release, Rewrite, & Rewire for Healing with hypnosis and brain training.
Hypnosis can help heal your past and rewrite your future.
Release old mistaken beliefs, traumas, fears and stuck emotions. Rewrite core beliefs and patterns. Rewire new healthy neuropathways.
Hypnosis is a deep state of relaxation. It occurs when your brain is in a slower brain wave state. When guided by a trained certified hypnotherapist, hypnosis can help quiet the conscious (critical thinking) part of your brain and access the unconscious mind to give suggestions to making healthy changes to your thoughts and behaviors. The unconscious mind is where our core beliefs are held. With hypnosis one can access and speak to the unconscious mind, which can give one the ability to change limiting core beliefs that may be holding them back from healing and/or excelling in areas of their life.
Essentially, you are able to “open the doorway" and tap into the part of your brain where your thoughts, emotions, memories and behaviors originate.
In this state you are more open to guidance from your hypnotherapist to help you make changes to negative unhelpful thoughts.
Brain Training
Brain training is the process of repairing connections and creating new healthy neuropathways in the brain (rewiring). This can be done through the use of neurocognitive tools and exercises. One of many tools is Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT). One goal of doing a brain rewiring program is to calm the nervous system and ultimately reduce inflammation that has led to physical and emotional pain. Brain rewiring is natural and gets to the root of the issue and inflammation.
Reiki is a practice that helps clear energy blocks. Reiki is a Japanese word meaning universal life force. Reiki works with the energetic, physical and emotional aspects of a person to help balance all levels. It is holistic and works on the body, mind and spirit by stimulating a person’s own natural healing abilities. Reiki helps to unblock emotional and physical elements that lead to illness and disease.
You may want to experience a Reiki session to clear emotional blocks, help with physical pain, increase clarity, help with life difficulties, or general balancing.
Release & Rewire Program
The Release & Rewire brain training program is 6 weekly 1 hour virtual sessions, done live with Amy Jill to target emotional and physical health issues. The focus is on releasing old mistaken thoughts and beliefs, nervous system regulation, and rewriting and rewiring new neuropathways via brain training and self-hypnosis techniques! Target Audience: Autoimmune-Fatigue-Brain Fog-Anxiety-Food Sensitivities-and much much more! Contact me for more information, limited availability
Here are just a few of the areas hypnosis and brain training can help with-
Lose Weight
Improve Self-Worth
Quit Smoking
Increase Confidence
Skin Picking
Fear of Spiders/Snakes
Nail Biting
TMJ (Bruxism)
Confidence in School
Hair Pulling (Trichotillomania)
Fear of Storms/Bridges
Overcome Limiting Behaviors
Chakra Balance
Emotional Eating
Inner Child
Fear of Flying/Driving
“I loved and appreciated the message I received while in hypnosis and think it’s been really helpful. I felt safe and loved Amy’s calm direction”
— Sarah, client