Heal your mind, body and soul with hypnotherapy


  • Hypnosis is a deep state of relaxation. It occurs when your brain is in a slower brain wave state. When guided by a trained certified hypnotherapist, hypnosis can help quiet the conscious (critical thinking) part of your brain and access the unconscious mind to give suggestions to making healthy changes to your thoughts and behaviors. The unconscious mind is where our core beliefs are held. With hypnosis one can access and speak to the unconscious mind, which can give one the ability to change limiting core beliefs that may be holding them back from healing and/or excelling in areas of their life.

    Essentially, you are able to “open the gateway” and tap into the part of your brain where your thoughts, emotions, memories and behaviors originate.

    In this state you are more open to guidance from your hypnotherapist to help you make changes to negative unhelpful thoughts.

  • Yes, anyone who is willing to follow instructions and wants to be hypnotised can experience great results

  • Yes, Hypnosis has been approved by the American Medical Association and has been used for almost any issue you can think of. Research has shown that 1 session of hypnosis is the equivalent of 10 session of therapy.

    Hypnosis directly targets the unconscious mind and with the help of a trained hypnotherapist, is able to rewrite mistaken beliefs.

  • Sessions are usually about 60 to 90 minutes

  • Every person is different and has an assortment of life experiences and goals. Typically 2 – 6 sessions are needed and people feel positive results after 1 session.

  • Hypnosis is a naturally occurring state of mind. People go into hypnotic states of mind frequently throughout their day. For example, if you have ever walked into a room and forgot what you went in there to get. Maybe you have been driving down the highway and passed your exit and later realized it, that is sometimes referred to as “highway hypnosis”. Daydreaming or the time right before bed as you’re falling asleep can be similar to being in hypnosis.

  • Hypnosis is a state of mind, most people feel very relaxed. Some experience a joyful or calm floating sensation, similar to what you may feel when meditating or doing guided imagery. Others feel like they normally would when talking to someone with their eyes closed.

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